Full Name: Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio.
He was born November 11, 1974.
City: Los Angeles, USA.
Occupation: Actor.
' Moment '.
' Eleventh Hour ' (2007).
' The Departed '.
' Blood Diamond ' ( 2006).
' The Aviator ' (2004).
' Gangs of New York ' ( 2002).
'Cafe ' Dons Plum '( 2001).
' Beach ' (2000).
' Celebrity '.
'Man in the Iron Mask ' (1998).
' Titanic ' (1997).
'Romeo Juliet' (1996).
' One Hundred and One Nights, a movie '.
' Basketball Diaries ' ( 1995).
' What's Eating Gilbert Grape? ' .
The cat curled up cozy up in a ball, sleep in a chair. In her sleek sides of scattered patches of red, black and white. She was no longer young, but still graceful and full of energy. The door opened noiselessly into the room, beautiful lady came in and held his hand over his silky fur. The cat lifted its head and three-color dissatisfaction opened her yellow eyes.
- Hello, Mixi - the woman said. - Now comes your favorite Dee. We're so bored of it, right?.
- Moore -p- p, - she said to the landlady, and decided that the conversation is over, prepared to inspect your cat's dream.
Dee. So from the childhood home of Leonardo was called under that name she knew him, and three-color mix that she loved only him. Irmelin DiCaprio, Leonardo's mother, went to the hanging shelves on which were arranged her collection - all kinds of souvenirs from filming his son, and on the bottom - thick folder, where it folds neatly cut out of magazines and newspapers articles about him. How often do they retell the story of the name of Leonardo. How Irmelin with the baby, preparing to be born, came to the Uffizi Gallery. Long walked through the halls, attaching an unborn baby to the beautiful, and when held up at the ' Mona Lisa ' by Leonardo da Vinci, he suddenly felt a strong push from the inside. So the boy my mother made it clear that he likes the name Leonardo. Well, it is unknown who invented the legend is beautiful. Irmelin long ceased to prove to journalists that the name they have chosen with Jack long before that visit the Uffizi. ' As for the ' signal ' - woman smiling. - Dee pushed almost incessantly.
A small blond boy was desired and loved child. However, family life blue-eyed blonde Irmelin Idenbirkin, moved with his parents in the United States from Germany, and Jack DiCaprio, actor, humorist and convinced the hippies, lasted a very short time. They broke up when the baby Dee was not even a year, but have kept friendly relations. And unlike his character from the movie ... - They do not pretend that they are good together, do not sacrifice anything for me, but just were next to me. They - the coolest parents in the world '. Dee had always known that he has a loving his mom and dad, even if they do not live together.
Leonardo grew up a very ordinary child, but the excess energy prevented him to study hard - too difficult to sit still when there are so many interesting. Los Feliz, Los Angeles area, or ' Hollywood ghetto ', as they call it themselves Aborigines, not the best place to raise a child, but my mother and grandmother made every effort that he did not get into bad company. And it was not easy, because here lived mostly losers, the victims fiasco in Hollywood, people are poor, angry at the world and acting fraternity in particular. Drugs can be bought on the street - for pocket-money issued to parents. But the gentle boy Leonardo was more interested in the homeless cats and dogs.
- Can you imagine, my Adam earned on the set of 50,000 in advertising dollars! . Adam - brother of Leonardo DiCaprio 's son Jack, born in his new home. Wow! . Jack took pleasure in promoting her first child, the more he has, through sociability and cheerful disposition, there were many influential friends in this area. And Leonardo is already restless with pleasure reciting advertising slogans of various goods. Five years old boy with mixed success, and with the approval of their parents after school, running on the work for which pay very real money, but in 1984 a ten-year Leonardo was a small role in the series ' Santa Barbara '.
The secret of Leonardo Di KaprioGospozha Luck.
Irmelin took from the shelf one of the folders with clippings. The first small notes about her baby: ... ',' Blond nugget '. Leonardo was the nineteenth year, he starred in many commercials and educational films, his file had roles in TV series ' Santa Barbara ', ' Lesia ' and even in the movies. However, this low-budget horror films were: ' Poison Ivy ' and ' Critters 3'.
- Di - said to his son Jack - you need to get into a good movie. You should notice. Do not be lazy to go on trial.
And the obedient son lazy. ' I was lucky - remember the time of Leonardo. - I was in the right place at the right time, but with the same success it could be me, but someone else. So far, it seems that this is a dream. ' Perhaps he is right, but whatever it was, Michael Kitton, director of the movie' This Boy's Life ', out of 400 applicants chose it - a teenager with a custom appearance and ill-concealed impulsiveness. It was really lucky - working with Robert De Niro, who plays his stepfather's cruel and domineering. For the first time Leonardo could see what real acting, and was amazed and fascinated by. And - boy crazy thank De Niro, his help and support during the shooting, though he could not understand what all this has earned. Do not studied acting (courses at the school on Sunday - do not count), DiCaprio coped surprisingly well with the work and realized what he can and what should seek. Go to the next role, a mentally retarded teenager Arnie in the film ' What's Eating Gilbert Grape? ', He was preparing very seriously for four days spent in a mental hospital, at home in front of the mirror where he worked with the recorded video cassettes, mother and grandmother would sit on the couch in front of them, and portrayed . It almost felt like a ' crazy '. Nomination novice actor self-taught on the Oscar and Golden Globe (as Best Supporting Actor ) became the first recognition of his talent.
The secret to Leonardo Di KaprioRomeo.
The absence of the actor's education is more than offset by a thirst for learning, and the fate graciously offered excellent teachers. Working on set with De Niro gave the first and most important impetus to Leonardo's work on self-development. Sharon Stone, who insisted on his participation in the western, ' Quick and the Dead ', explains how to live with fame and not the abyss under the wheels of mediamashiny. In this film, and DiCaprio got the first experience of sex scenes. However, in the final version of the westerns they were not included. In contrast to the film by Agnieszka Holand ' Total Eclipse ', where Leonardo got the role of the French poet Arthur Rimbaud gay. However, without the help of a partner, he probably would not have coped with it, his whole nature protested against kissing a man.
- Do not psycho. It's just a game. You're an actor, therefore, should be able to represent all that you require from the director, - exhorted David Thewlis, who performed the role of Verlaine.
Leonardo handled, and so well that, although the most explicit scenes in the film are not logged on to Hollywood rumors about his alleged gay.
At a young actor, atypical for Hollywood, with neatleticheskoy angelic figure and a vicious person, not only drew attention to the audience, but also directors. So Baz Luhrmann who wanted to remove modernized version of ' Romeo and Juliet ', seen as the main character, Leo just as they are now all called DiCaprio. He invited the actor to audition for Australia, where a young man and went with his father. The samples were so good that Luhrmann has used them as a major trump card, when he proposed his project studios. The shooting, which took place in Mexico, it was very pleasant for a young man - he sported as a puppy, mimicking everyone he could, not sparing even the director. Luhrmann told reporters: ... I figured it all the time, and very sarcastic, cruelly and accurately. But acting is actually antics. If it helps him to be in the form, I have to put up with it '. In addition, Leo realized that he was a famous actor - Mexican girl ran in crowds to see the handsome Leo, and if lucky - touch it or get an autograph. Test of ' Titanic '.
The cat stretched, and gradually came down with a familiar chair. She could not remember how there was in this house, but remembered very well Irmelin.
A cold November evening, just before his birthday, appeared in the doorway of her famous son, and looked out of his jacket a little three-colored muzzle.
- Mom, this is for you! . - I found a miracle in the yard in the bushes.
Leonardo lived five minutes away from the house he bought for her recently, and came very frequently. At least until recently,. The woman looked at her plump, disheveled son, clearly felt the smell of alcoholic breath and I could not tell. She could only hope that the black strip in the life of his little host Dee, and he finally stops to destroy her life.
Thank fell upon a young man after the screens ' Titanic ', James Cameron and nearly crushed him. All the actors in this ambitious project has been approved. Only Matthew McConaughey, proposed for the role of Jack Dawson, the director in doubt. Cameron decided to try a young actor, a game he had seen in the film ' What's Eating Gilbert Grape? ' . Huge headlines 'Romeo MTV era, ... Leonardo never interested in the role of the romantic cute boys: 'Your Dawson is too simple and not interesting ', - he said Cameron, but the sample still agreed - persuaded his father, who helped him choose scripts and roles. However, stipulated that they would attend only he and the director himself, and no cameras. And if before that Cameron was not sure if he wants it naughty boy, after sampling all doubts have disappeared. But Leo could not even guess what's coming. However, got the whole crew. I had to work countless takes, until the result does not satisfy the demanding director. Ice water, loose bulkhead recreated the Titanic - the actors reach the point of exhaustion. The reward for patience was an invaluable experience and a new friend. He and Kate Winslet supported each other during difficult trials ' Titanic '. Journalists immediately laid them on the bed, as happened with all the mates on the work of Leo's. Young people do not have to prove just stayed close friends. ' Kate's incredible, - said in an interview with Leo. - By the end of filming, we have grown together like Siamese twins. one team. We drank it. But when we wanted to express all that is boiling, we have expressed it to each other, so as not to stand on a platform. This mutual support has helped us to survive. It is quite remarkable. This hard worker. One of the best actresses of today, from my point of view. Well, the English blood, of course. temperament. Fire '.
At the premiere in London Kate did not come, and when Leo learned that she was lying with an inflammation of the lungs, leaving everything behind, rushed to the hospital to save his faithful friend.
The secret of Leonardo DiCaprio obedient boy.
And then boom Leomanii. DiCaprio has been declared a global star, People magazine named him one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world, his photos are not descended from the covers of glossy magazines. There were millions of fans and groupies. All this was extremely nice, but the glory was reversed, the dark side. The young actor has to feel ' a piece of meat ', which is used for the sake of the public. He felt that he loses himself, is transformed into an instrument of a man, spare film in the machine. Depression fell upon him, which appeared originally - he hit in the spree, he stopped to look after themselves. Tobey Maguire, whom Leo's friends from childhood, tried to take him out of this state, but to no avail - the star of ' Titanic ' was overcome thirst for self-destruction. He was late for the shooting, and sometimes not at all, or was coming to an inadequate state. He was rarely invited to all the movies, despite all its glory - the risk was too great.
Culminating in a press conference that Leo brought in the big hall of Hotel National. ' I chose life, and now she is in the video store on the shelves. My life consists of pieces of motion pictures with the words ' Titanic ', ' Beach ' and other. And if you understand, my life I have never been. Playing in the movie, I did not notice that the youth has passed, but the worst thing that even now I can not go out. As I was bound to be poking a finger, as a grown fat freak that, in fact, that's right. I am leaving because I hate it all. I hate you, and it's freaking movie. That's it! ' .
That same evening, on the verge of running the apartment there was an actor of his grandmother. Inden - Helen Birkin, born Elena Smirnova, lived in Germany, where her child was taken out of Russia 's parents. There she married a merchant Düsseldorf William Birkin and Inden - birth Irmelin. From Leonardo's grandfather got his middle name - William. This energetic and cheerful old lady loves her grandson, and he responds to her affection.
Thundered Pink Floyd, Leo relaxed on the couch.
- Get up at once - she said. - What nonsense you have uttered to journalists? . Shame on you.
- But, Helen, - fought poorly Leo - I'm tired!.
A huge Rottweiler Rocky is looking for the owner, then the old woman, not knowing how to behave. Leonardo the dog went out and healed from epileptic seizures. Word of the grandmother, as always, had an effect on Leonardo. The next day he called Martin Scorsese, who offered him a role in his film ' Gangs of New York ' and a new, adult life star Leo. And soon, he said quite frankly: ...
The secret of Leonardo DiCaprio, ...
Irmelin for sixty, and she is happy with his grandchildren ponyanchitsya. Does it wait for them? . Every year, my car - they are tired of it quickly, often rides his bike and embarks on a spree, but only with a few friends. ... And his fascination with mannequins? . So, I saw once on the podium Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen and fell in love. Their affair lasted five years, they seemed even going to get married, Irmelin met with the parents the girls, but. Something went wrong between young people, and they parted. And in the spring of last year in Las Vegas, Leo met with a charming blue-eyed blonde - a young Israeli fashion model Bar Refaeli. Not at once ubiquitous journalists learned about their relationship. He even explained why: ... The less the audience knows about us from the home side, the more readily believe in our heroes '. However, such a bright pair of hard to stay in the shadows, despite the constant sunglasses Leo. After she drove to South Africa, where she spent the holidays, and Leonardo DiCaprio at the time starred in the film ' Blood Diamond ', after his visits to Israel, to visit a bar, and her arrival in Los Angeles, reporters began asking .
- You are going to get married? .
- If married, only on the woman with whom he will live a long time: years, say, ten or twenty, - said the actor.
- Tell us about your relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. - Haunted bar.
- Leo a wonderful person, devoid of all affectation, and not suffering from disease of the stellar. I was with him very well and. cheerfully. Our mother has met and liked each other, - said the girl.
And all. There is nothing else to pull out of them failed. And then started hunting. Paparazzi chase a couple of persistently. In Israel, Tzipi Refaeli, Mother Bar, was forced to hire security for them as their own bodyguards, Leo does not have. Every now and then appear in the media messages such as: ' Bar Refaeli pregnant with Leonardo DiCaprio! ', ' Marriage of Leo and Bar is scheduled for later this year! ' . But when journalists bother? . ... From something I constantly need: interviews, autographs, photos. I do not want to be like the stars who have fallen victim to its popularity! '.
Leo - Producer.
It was not until quite late, but the windows are already dusk. In November it gets dark early in the. The cat slept, and, though feeling that will soon be her lover, Leo, sat on the carpet, staring at the door. Irmelin got up, brushed her hand across the back of the tri-colored silk, neatly packed folder with clippings in place. yes. Her little boy has grown up. He became much more serious, although his contract is still present on the point that he may be free to carry a friends anywhere in the world, where the shooting of his. This is his life and his ' second family ', as he himself says. Not all, however, Leonardo turned out the way he wanted: not fulfilled his dream to play in the fourth part of ' The Godfather ' - his favorite movie. The project has not taken place: in 1999, died on Mario Puzo. Matured, Leo is now not only plays in interesting films for him, but also the active influence on filmmaking - from 2004 he headed the producer ' production company Appian Way. The first movie in the production of which she took part, was ' Aviator ' by Martin Scorsese. The idea was born to Leonardo DiCaprio, as soon as he read a book about the life of a millionaire, aviator and movie producer Howard Hughes. This man is so impressed by Leonardo that he immediately turned to Scorsese with a proposal to remove him on the film version and, of course, he wanted to play the role of the controversial and extraordinary personality. Scorsese, who has never sat on a plane and experienced a mystical fear of flying, nevertheless agreed. The duo Scorsese - Leonardo DiCaprio has been so successful that they continued to cooperate film ' The Departed ', in which Leo met on the set with a great and unpredictable Nicholson. 'Jack a few times scared me to death on the set - told Leonardo. - The day after the scene at the table when he broke my arm plastered, assistant warned me: ' Be careful - Nicholson took the fire extinguisher, a gun, matches and a bottle of whiskey '. In fact, I do not necessarily afraid of your partner to play, though I 'm afraid of him. I had heard about the manner of Nicholson to give full freedom of action to his hero. But one thing - to hear, and more - take the brunt. I think that before his death, I will not forget the duo '. Never forget it, and feelings that are aroused in him the events described in the film ' Blood Diamond '. Leonardo clearly realized how many tragedies happening in the world because of the indifference of those to whom fate gave a prosperous life. The next stage of growing up young actor became a documentary '11 th Hour ' about the problems of global warming in the production of which also involved his production company. Irmelin, which is the main administrator of the environmental fund Leonardo DiCaprio, created by an actor in 1998, was next to her son in the film. ' We are on the brink of disaster. - Leo said in his speech at the 60th Cannes Film Festival, where in May of this year, he presented his film. - We may face a very tough future, and to avoid this, you need to change the world. This should not acquire political or religious tones '.
Mixi lifted her head and strained. Yes, he is. But lately, he lives in New Yrke and rarely appears in Los Angeles at the home of my mother.
- Hello, my dear! . - Finally, start -after shooting ' Dawn of Theodore Roosevelt '. You may remember that was conceived the film as early as 2005, and Scorsese called me in the lead role. Now we end up with Martin and start shooting training. But you probably already know about it - said Leo. - You know that my company is involved in producing? . It should look great! .
- Calm down, baby, you're too loud - smiled Irmelin. - Look, Mixi scared. Tell me more, how are your friends, as Bar?.
- Everything is fine! . You remember: I'm always faithful to those who are faithful to me.
Permanent address.
News from Skypecine. com.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The secret of Leonardo DiCaprio first million
Monday, June 4, 2012
Post envy ))
Twink. But not the purchase of his spacecraft paints, and the last sentence in the interview. 7.5% of Rostelecom - I think it may be all in the space program to fund one person:).
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Made me otsypnoy
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