Thursday, May 3, 2012

What kind of crap that Cloud komputing ( c) Larry Ellison

It turned out a little long, but we need to read. In general, it can be seen as the necessary theoretical background reading ' Three Men in a server 2. 0 ', because there are widely used these ideas:).

Well, startled.

To begin with let us return to the past. Not to dinosaurs, and in the 90s when it began to develop a mass hosting. It looked like this - put a computer in a dark room and wound up there a thousand accounts, in which vigorous online activists staged dotcom boom. To this day, most of the hosting and live.
Then, when computers became cheaper, and Internet projects more difficult, many people (not just the oligarchs ) began to use a dedicated server and run it on different hard ( well, that is crooked, crookedly written ) fitted for the web and not just.

At some point, had an idea - let's not just going to rivet sites and write a business application such as warehouse, accounting, personnel accounting, or (at gourmet - type means ERP, CRM and Accounting), but is to work with it can be .
And shall we take this application to rent on a monthly basis, respectively, a storekeeper, sales managers and accountants. And then they will not have a derazht servak ​​, but all the 'Net. In short, deprive of honest work and nerds all their own grandmother Zagreb.

And the idea is called, you guessed it, Application Service Provider (ASP).

But the idea failed because Net was braking, even in burzhuindii, and the interface in the browser was settling, because AJAX was not, not to mention the Silverlight or Flex, and indeed there was no special habits rely on the Internet and use it as a way cool .

There was also a technological history of failure - it was not possible to flexibly scale to the requirements of the growth / decrease in customer base, as each client is required or a separate piece of iron, or write an application so that an application server can separately store and process data from different juridical. individuals, and not just because, as OTKAZOUSTOCHIVO and hot-swappable!.
And it is undeniable surge of mind requires the programmer, especially if they are not sharpened by a tool and correct habits ( not to interfere with the beer, vodka, etc. ). But to be honest, I doubt that any of the readers can write such a thing at a low level, such a mega- coders are few and far from frightening people.

Obviously, the easiest way was to seat customers razynm cars, but buy a server for each client is unprofitable, and write correctly - a mega- programmers will ruin their bonus:) Oh, and in general has become unfashionable, all investors at the time plunged into real estate speculation.

In general, almost merged this idea, especially since the web hosting indus grew rapidly due to the incredible growth of number of web sites, blogs and other Web shnyaga ( well, you all know what I mean ), and they were spit on every .

It would have forgotten about the idea of ​​hosting the removal of anything, when suddenly there was (or rather, flooded into the masses, it has long been something ) virtualization. The term ' virtualization ' means a bunch of different things, but we are interested in the virtualization when a piece of metal is placed a thin - pretonkaya operating system under the name of the hypervisor, which deals with the fact that isolates from each other real operating systems like Windows and Linux.

But why the cult of the representative of this musical instrument?.
And here is why - virtualization allows a single piece of metal to cram several operating systems, which will be executed separately and simultaneously, and thus, will be fully. dispose of. equipments.
Yes, all the initial expectations around virtualization built around the fact that the usual normal iron server in the course of their lives percent loaded on 8%. T. e. any Xeony - Athlone and m. Dr.. stupid is slacking, and could work! .
Well, then imprison them all on one server and let the plow, as the ancestors of African Americans.

Experienced guys like you and me then just blinked and say that one of the skins of seven good hats are not cut out as much increased risk of: If navernet piece of iron with 7 OSes on it, then all seven depart, along with data in another world, .

It is logical, but also those folks who invented the hypervisor and container virtualization, also did not bast shoe.
To solve the problem of ' navertyvaniya ' iron, they came up with the mechanism of high availability, when used not one but several pieces of iron, and all the data between them in real time over the network. And that sits in memory, and that is stored on your hard disk, and the fact that in the CPU cache - almost on synchronized clocks ( can not tell a lie, but small portions ).

One might think that such a system is unreliable, but this development was provided gourami still unforgettable Multics operating within the boundaries of what a shaggy - year, so it should not be afraid, 'all give birth, and anything'.

In short, I will not delve into this topic.

In general, you can believe me and other virtualizer word for it - it works. In addition to high availability, load balance is ensured even when the hypervisor moves the operating system, which has become suddenly consume a lot of CPU, the less loaded physical machine, or vice versa.

What have we got? . Not yet tired of reading? .

Conceptual shift is that the OS is in fact not tied to a piece of iron is now. We may have 10 rigs operating, and five. Began to increase downloads - bought a couple of servakov, hooked up, the OS immediately spread to seven servakah. Came new, more powerful piece of iron, we have connected them, and the old to the dump. CRA -CO- TA!.

So, where does a Cloud? . At some point, the abundance of money oburevshie guys from Amazon. com, earning billions in sales in the USA superbestsellerov ' How to become a millionaire with a mortgage ', and took otgrohalo near the hydroelectric plant on the Mississippi River angarische for three Boeing 747, but it is not stuffed Boeing, and the clouds of the components. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

And to the guys from the Amazon to quickly joined by other citizens, including my current employer, who is rumored to have imported the best of times ten thousand servers per month in its many data centers.

What a waste of budgetary funds, you ask? .

The idea is simple to ugliness - in the data center computer turns on N M operating system (N. <=M в общем случае, а по факту наверное N < M).

Part of the operating systems used by Amazon to count the profits from the sale of new US- superbestelerrov 'How to forget about the mortgage and start living ', and part shall be willing in the form of operating system.

And the guys from Amazon pomozgovali - pomozgovali and came to pass, these images are not monthly, as used to do traditional hosters and bounds. That is, the image of the hour. No, not a single image, and how many images you want. Feels the scale?.

For example, I wanted to render something monumental, full-length cartoon, for example, and you have to do is support parallel computing software - so you have bought thousands of hours and started at 1:00 one thousand images, which have risen, and as zakonnektilis began to think of Shrek 4 .

As discussed in the days of my youth, transcripts, right? . of the times, the customs. ).

abruptly. But why is it called cloud computing?.

And imagine a hangar full of servers that are - well, how shall I say? . swirl. instances of operating systems, slow crawl from one to another piece of iron. They also go to a smoke somewhere in the area of ​​SUN Fire, drink in the pub at the HP2910, protracted irregular patches in the vicinity of some tsiski.
It's romantic, eh?.

But the smart guys and girls who read this blog at this moment to the Leninist ( girls - in Krupski ) squint and said - Duc, any number of servers is good, but how it works and how much it costs? .

And then find out that the cost of monthly rent server in the cloud is greater than the cost of renting a much more respectable performance zhelezyaki. So keep it classically site goes a little expensive.

But the idea is still good. And in addition to Amazon a dozen more or less respectable firms develop this idea. That's where a good list ( not just HaaS).
http://groups. google. com / group / cloud-computing / web / list-of-cloud-platforms-providers-and-enablers.

It seems that everything here is clear - the limited scope for a specially sharpened by scaling cFosSpeed ​​( cine, science, etc. Dr.. ), Well, more for serving peak loads in social networks, web crawlers and other such exotic.

But no. Then cheered the idea of ​​applications as a service, that is Software as a Service ( formerly ASP). Revived due primarily to salesforce. In fact, the case is a wonderful (ugh, what a nasty word) is an example of how people were beaten over the years ( hollowed? ) At one point and still have a.

In fact, salesforce just did a decent app for business purposes, which worked well in the browser. AJAX and continuous improvement are aligned with the browser successfully emerged the flexibility to scale rigs and good internal implementation of the salesforce, which was able to scale. Well, it has enjoyed a number of journalists, good sales managers who shoved it out of the system spicka Fortune 2000, Fortune 100 companies and then, and then went to a chain reaction, IPO, market capitalization and thousands billionth of imitators.

Again, readers are frowning - where does the Cloud? .

Smart people in the Saleforce, and not less than smart people at Microsoft, and perhaps in other companies soon realized that you can take iron with thousands of swirling Cloud OS on thousands of pieces of iron, and instead rent it out, wrap it in a specially written .

This is how Google Apps, Force. com and will soon appear Azure, and other types of ' Platform as a Service ', (Platform as a Service).

The idea of ​​this - we give the programmer to write an application that is not bothered by direct encoding in parallel runs when all of these images, etc. Dr.. And selling time of the application. Also on the clock. More coders, forward, India!.

Well there are different PaaS applications with different levels of detail, but the idea is roughly the same: the programmer is given a library, which is not for unnecessary file operations, and it is from this library can theoretically turn any mountain.

How cool is that works in terms of vertical performance? . Not in this decade, as though:) Yes, it works, but not everywhere and always.

A sad picture? . Rather, the new painting, new challenges and new requirements for future generations of developers.

In fact, Cloud ( and iron, and platform ) provides stunning, previously unheard-of opportunities for a single type of application - horizontal scaling softiny that can and need to sell on-demand model, Software as a Service.

T. e. applications that serve a large ( huge, unlimited! ) the number of users disjoint. The best and most successful example of such an application is. e-mail.

By itself, Exchange, in the case of the deployment on their own servak ​​has a reputation for admins, just to say, complex. But in case of deployment to hosting all of these problems lie in there the admins, and users can only specify the mail domain name and make boxes.

And where is the Cloud, again, ask me a question?.

And it was he, and there. Microsoft in their huge data centers deployed hundreds of thousands of Exchange- servers (and LiveMeeting, Sharepoint, etc. Dr.. ) And sells it as a service in the form of BPOS, 10 bucks a month http://www. microsoft. com / online / default. mspx.

I must say, we in Russia BPOS is not for sale, and data center in MS is not, but exactly the same services for the same $ 10 offer advanced hosting companies like Infobox and parking. ru.

Of course, readers will have already started to accuse me of advertising their employer - say, all reduced to the three products from one manufacturer, fucking mastdaevets. :).

But I want you to pay attention to the fact that these horizontal applications LITTLE, not because they are not wanted, except for Microsoft, but because it had not been able to write a horizontally scalable applications.

Which one of our programmers doklaudnogo generation in their right mind could imagine that he is right at your fingertips 20, 50, 100, 1000 com, where you can in 10 minutes to fill in the OS image with the program and raise such a program, a monster for a few hours, and this .

I must confess - I could not figure out how to use this power in the horizontal section, but long thought. This cloud my clear vision is not pierced:).

Maybe a new generation of programmers, who now sits on the pots in the nursery with the Sony PSP in their hands, and deftly google ' naked educators ' figure out what you can do about it.

I 'm going to bed. Dima, you bastard, I bet you're a long time dryhnesh and two o'clock, I am writing this text:).

In short, it's BC1:) Probably missed something, but really want to sleep:).
If you cant find, or that it is not clear, ask questions.

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