Friday, March 30, 2012

I sit on

came to. seminar. , Listen to Ilya Antipov, now part of the funnel of sales. In the tabs now see the materials, I propose to look at and read).

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Google has called the cause of failure in service

Скриншот сайта

The reason for failure, which resulted in Google's services were not available to Russian users within a few hours on Thursday, was the problem with the fiber-optic network in Russia. This was reported in the official microblog of the Russian representation of the company. The press service of Google declined to disclose the content of the problem. Problems with access to the sites of Google, YouTube, Gmail, Blogger and several other projects began around 14:50 Moscow, and after about a half hour services began to open again. At 17:28 in the Russian corporate microblog official announcement appeared to restore access.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Add to Google Reader click on ' Send VKontakte '

In RSS- reader. Google Reader. have the opportunity to rassharivat favorite posts in a fairly large number of services and sites. Here is a list of services by default: «Blogger», «Delicious», «Digg», «Facebook», «FriendFeed», «Instapaper», «MySpace», «Orkut», «Ping. fm »,« Posterous »,« Reddit »,« StumbleUpon »,« Tumblr »,« Twitter ». In addition, there is opportunity to add to this list of my favorite sites:.

You can select additional sites and services for which you will send your shared items. Selected sites will appear in the menu ' Send' for each record.

  • name. :. Vk. com.

  • URL:. http://vk. com / share. php? url = $ {url}.

  • icon:. http://www. forsmi. ru/files/imagecache/newsf/files/snews/9790-vk_logo_09_11_2010. png.

I hope this post was useful to you, and somehow made ​​it easier rassharivaniya interesting stuff in all kinds of services and social networks. And again, thank you very much. Dmitry Serzhenko. for the tip!.

Evening free Internet

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kazapa: Stats for SEO

I'm tired of answering questions to promote sites using kazapy, so let it dry statistics do.

Website: second-level domain.
The core query: VC HF (more than 300 thousands. requests vordstatu, about 500 competitors - more patience was not enough to check ).
Objective: To achieve at least something. Great Expectations is not tortured, was a ridiculous goal of money to achieve acceptable results for further, more serious work.
Internal optimization: nothing special. Easy rirayt texts, a short article on the front, three key Titley.
Previously used methods: easy to purchase linkfide (200 links) - the result is zero, no movement at all.
The filter in kazape: the index of H, external links to three, second-level domains, and from 3 months. More - nothing.

In general, it was a venture. Work - will not work - I will not cry. Finally managed to get in google in the top -50. In Yandex - the top 100. A total of 342 references were purchased for less than 5tys. rubles ( not monthly - only ). This is quite a selection of Related. T. e. error to the mean will be less than 5%. Then the points.

The average price - £ 13.92. for the link.
The average TCI - 10.84. Restrictions on the TCI should not be made. T. e. Webmasters can put on my best, but most of the links went to sites tITsistye.
Pages with PR - 4 (1. 1%), sites of the Yak - 6 (1. 7%) sites in DMOZ - 9 (2. 6%).

Today I drove all the links in the. seolib. ru. and ordered the test. The results of sharing with you.

Pages in the index I - 45.02 %.
Pages in the index T - 70.76 %.
References in the index I (t. e. the robot sees a link to the cached IP) - 31.87 %.
References in the index T - 61.11 %.

Sites that are not found in H or in G (complete fufel ) - 14.91 %.

Further details on the filters. Check on the control sites ( their ) showed that the results that follow below, most accurately described as ' similar in general to the truth '.

Sites under the filter I - 32.74 % ( the only one - in seolibe does not say that the filter we have in mind ).
Sites under the AGS - 11.11%.
of them.
Sites in the index I, but I'm under the filter - 5.26 % or a total of 18 pieces.
Sites in the index I, but under the AGU - 2 pieces.
Sites in the index I, but with a filter and AGS - no.

Sites which I do not have filters: 39.18 %. Sites which I, in F and do not have filters: 14.91 %.

Clearly, I have other sites ( at this point in my kazape 60 projects, and there are more large customers), and other results, but this project is indicative of the fact that there was nothing in it is not mingled, though I thought and still think . To mix the background, or swap reference TCI pump - is the second case. Promotion - is the work of the head, rather than a pattern. Sometimes you need and just a fantasy. Here I bought a left-foot 50 is very good links, or simply good 140 or 250 would suit me - just 5tys. rubles. Do it and you - it's not me.

Some information for webmasters. Not so long ago, we launched the coefficients for the complexity. Links have become more expensive. The more difficult task - the higher the price, so the price of 20-30 rubles for a null reference - no longer a rarity. Truth and optimizers are smarter, so that good projects are provided with sufficiently rigid filters through which to bullshit does not slip.

We continue to give the 12- month warranty optimizers and brutally pussy webmasters who do not comply with this. No one gives more guarantees so far. The actual amount taken was 2 options. 3% of the total turnover of the company from the start - most of them are sold sites. But even so - we are compensated for the loss of advertisers at their own expense.

Yet we are at the stage of direct billing agreements with Yandex, Webmoney and RBKMani. So soon direct transfers electronic money cards, bank transfer as well as translations of legal entities. no robokass. Quickly, safely, efficiently. All you favorite.

yours. KAZAPA. ru.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

PAMM PAMM, the pair p, PAMM PAMM!

Maulnet spends a couple of. FX-Trend. competition for the attraction of this system to work with the PAMM- accounts. Start Competition - February 5, the end - May 5.

Since I myself am far from a stock of games, then I will refer to it simply. article about the contest. The contest features primarily large total prize pool:. $ 30,000. , Divided, however, on 36 prizes ranging from 500 to 3000 dollars. But the more prizes, the more lucky winners.

Those who wish to learn more about working with the PAMM- accounts can enjoy the epic of the Maula of this. link. If I understand correctly, the yield was 46 % allocation for the five months of the experiment.


Check here is how Maxim Shepherds, collector and publisher of key bases of interest to my audience. It is worth clicking on. this reference. and you get to his blog, where not a word about the base. I've already made ​​the announcement of his blog earlier, so that now only a numerical experiment blog -factor.


Experiment number two. There is an unused site made for a possible expansion to St. Petersburg as a tour operator. But for various reasons we have formed with capitals, so that the site is the second year of hanging out doing nothing. There is a good chance to check pension fund. You just have to click on the phrase. Hotels in St. Petersburg. Now the site is 170 in a retrieval system, and 107 in another. I will check every day, if there is a significant shift, it means that guys are not joking, and even transitions from one link can achieve some result. I have long wanted to check it! .

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Business for Tinkoff: create a clone of the successful Western enterprises to capture attracted investments from some of the market, selling everything from good factor.

Business to Zuckerberg: a service that successfully sell some of it on the stock exchange, over the years to live and develop on this money until they go at least a minimum income.

Business to Madoff: collect money to pay them with interest to those who invested earlier, to pretend that this is a business and all say what you successful.

Business to Polonsky: type of money in debt to build another monster, take your money and tell everyone that they are fag, because no one gives them so much money in debt.

Business of Kiyosaki: to sell books, in which non-Americans to tell how to make money on the U.S. real estate and precious metals.

Business for Gazprom: buy and sell all across hundreds of affiliates and companies. Elephant great - not lose anything from it.

Business for Obama, no business, if you do not have enough money, they just need dopechatat.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Almost bought a few from the archives of the recovered domains tITs10, thanks SeoPrufi who is engaged, including. promotion of blogs. For most experiments, it.

Bought the old one trust domain titsistyh links to commonplace sites. Approximately 500 references for 300 rubles per month. We look forward to apa. It should be for the cleanliness of the experiment to crank the same thing on a thread a new domain.

Nakovyryal bins in several domains of TCI, and without it, some are already several years. Posted in Sapa - the last time the basement of some clients to promote and need to pump your grid, so that the costs have risen significantly and the current bunch of sites selling them is no longer compensate adequately.

I found one, maybe two clients on advertising blog. If your blog is good, then the advertiser is not a deposit, so I think.

Count the hours until the start of the commissioning of two versions of the club. 0. Frankly sykotno - some changes too cardinal from a technical point of view: the need to actually stop the club for a few hours and then another week or two to fish shoals, and debug them in the hot-. This means that the measured life will fly upside down. Sykotno, but we must.

The online game is already starting to sound like a game, not a set of clear working scripts, thanks to testers and the cheerful programmer. So you see, soon it will be necessary to do the design and open a public beta mode. Now a lot of time already pay the balance of the game - would be stupid if everyone will get rich abnormally.

Piled some papers that need to print, assemble, sign, to convey. In short, any off-line garbage that needs to be done and forgotten until the next report.

Almost every evening, purchase options, filtering, validation, apparently to look for is an apprentice under this case. Trite did not have time to monitor each project. While it is clear a few things - a good site for short, when a lot of pereoptimizirovannogo text in the main, for long and mnogotekstovyh sites need a lot of copyright, not kopipasta - in the same movement win the ones where the text bigger and better copyright.

Rivet a handful of satellites, in effect on the copy-paste. Will not send - female, already in the index Yandex. Apparently, the read information from bar. Frighteningly, these sites have the same effect on the design, site-to- uterus, where does all infa ( multiportalka ), content kopipastny little or no. Still, the index. Although it is perfectly fit into my theory about the last sign - as long as the grid is not zasrat sly, she will live.

The collective farm began to crawl into the index saytik. But I have already mentally shit on Yandex and prepare to Kemerovo perelinkovochny script, which will unite the entire grid and add a reference. In addition, we add a reference in your projects.

Maylru burns. Attendance at some sites jumped very significantly. Does anyone know how to count the number of pages in Mile (gogo-machine)? .

Not everyone remembered, of course, but this is still enough. Oh yeah, yesterday threw Yandex CAPTCHA for verifying the position sespayderom and it is not resorbed until the morning. Do not even know what to think. Remix, I think, will help, but still funny.

The blog of the day there was a picture and quote of the day is coming soon. I can not deny myself the pleasure of sometimes stop at anything that touches a chord of the soul.

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Crisis, crisis, and here...

read. here.

British intelligence has opened a site for Russian informants

pictureThe British Security Service has decided to establish relations with the Russian informants, revealing version of its website in Russian. However, the Russians will not be able to tell anything special services by e-mail in their native language. Informants who do not speak English, have to send paper letters to the postal address of MI5, the more that telephone and Internet contacts for security purposes is not recommended at all.

Britain is so concerned about the threat posed by Russian intelligence officers, that she decided to open an additional version of MI5 website in Russian. Purpose - recruitment of informants from Russia. A similar site was opened in the Chinese and French. However, the emails in Russian, and Chinese at the present time can not be handled correctly MI5. Thus, the informants have to send their messages to the mailing address security. Telephone and Internet contacts are not recommended for use in order to comply with safety requirements.

Website MI5 is already functioning in English and Arabic, and Urdu, which is the official language of Pakistan and one of the official languages ​​of India. But if most of these languages ​​is introduced because of existing concerns regarding this or other countries, the French simply is recognized as an international language, reports Times Online.

The range of supported languages ​​MI5 website fits into the range of the main threats to the national security of the United Kingdom, some counter-intelligence: from the threat of international terrorism and espionage that has not stopped ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chronicle libmoba ' How to get to the library ': May 27

Phone - in libraries branch number 2 and number 7 on that day did not stop, grateful readers congratulated the Day of libraries! . To celebrate the day of his profession - as required by the case, so no, they pulled out to the people. Very, you know, I wonder whether all the residents of the neighborhood they know how to get to the library?.

Molested and kiddies, and adults. During the lunch break interviewed 54 people. And sorry, no joke, 12 pedestrians have heard that there is a library in the district, and where they do not know. And it puzzled the two adults who have children attending the library, but they do it has never been. That is a reality. And then the youth nod: ...

For the ignorant have shown the way, gave the card with the address and mode of operation. Produced a lot of cards - gave almost all of the counter. And those who are still at home, car stuck, suddenly forgot where books live.

T. and. Kuznetsov, head of the library - branch № 2.

more ».

neBlits review or blog, where I stopped

Sickle in the balls in Belarusian.

This blog Belarusian and in many ways it defines his mentality. From the Belarusian blogs are always blowing boiled potatoes and cornflower field. I guess I have a wrong sense of smell. Blog distinguishes a good thought-out design. It just stops and does not perelistnut page until a couple of posts not read.

Actually, the content. Style a bit ironic and light posts themselves are varied and relate to various. And the man himself wrote. many. often. It is clear. And about seo. You can only find fault in some secondary subjects and methods of presentation. If the rough - and found the quail in its. Generally - this is a sign of youth and lack of experience that is solved with the passage of time itself.

From the navigation shortcomings only one serious - that a large portion of the post is hidden under the cut - did not realize until kliknesh on the title. Because of the positions in the film look a little jagged. More surprising abundance of internal references to fasting and excessive concern about finding your own blog in the top due to internal optimization by saturation phrases.

This blog can be recommended to all, without exception,. Even just browse. A couple of times. In the case.

Blog - a couple gagarochki.

View the series we will destroy. ' Even though I live in a not so little town with a population of over 1 million. '- Sat stupidly wondered what the city more than a million of such. So on the page and found no mention of. So I went today, I guess? .

However, this blog deserves attention. First of all, the author's approach. Here and design, and execution of lovingly selected. And after all positions are different opinions of their own, and I love it. Although the view is sometimes very monetarist - you can not find all profit!.

Audience Site - beginners. They are addressed and most of the posts. So it's still a blog bait. God forbid, a bait for something more. And I have not noticed a pair of nifiga people - all just one!.

The magic of seven.

Rapidly growing blog bloggers seven tries to twist everything around the numbers seven themes. Seven bloggers, seven responses, seven boards. Good idea, roughly, as in Caucasians KVN eskpluatiruyut Caucasian theme, and girls' teams - blonde. But not this makes the blog interesting. This gives it a flavor.

The main feature of this blog in his newspaper. When writing a blog just seven people, it turns into a small media. The seven goals - seven times more ideas for posts, seven times more posts. Even if one writes one article a day - has 210 articles. But in fact there are many smaller and some positions are reserved for competitions. In addition, part of the articles is clearly the character of the entrance and the profane. For example, the. such positions. I note the label is not stupid because stupid, but just bushing ( saw - wanted -wrote ).

However, it is impossible to deny bloggers in the fantastic growth. 200 subscriptions for four months and quite active in commenting on posts. Now, if still writing more often, cleared ebanicheskoe Flash tag cloud, it would be quite good. In the meantime, I recommend reading journalism and amateur competitions.

Afromarketologi not afraid of snow!.

Blog marketing Murmansk. It's a shame that so few subscriptions, and in fact it is a good example of local Murmansk personalized media. A man writes well on any topic. He writes infrequently, but regularly. Approximate range of topics - from IT and local realities, to music and conferences. In general, this is an example of a quality review blog.

In the design of Dmitry ( yeah, again, Dmitry) flirts with plug-ins, for some reason there is a tower adsensovskaya and indeed clearance at troyachok - some ill-conceived. Similarly, we can say about the counters.

Blog can be recommended for those who want a quiet sensible Fiction. If the blog writing more often, I would recommend a morning newspaper. In the meantime, the existing format draws more on Friday plump or AIF. It seems a little about everything, but it is popular and a good clear language. Sorry - rarely.

Speaking of language - a few boring, yet. It should work on this author. Sometimes it will read, and so not fully understand what the author meant to say. :).


Today issued the familiar 190 VSW in debt. Crisis? .

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Advertising blog.

A good start-up looking for work bizdevov

providing a new service to monitor social media in the area of ​​Ukrain and RuNet.
rapidly gaining a customer base in both the CIS and the headquarters of major companies in Europe, USA and Southeast Asia, including major brands in the automotive, banking, pharmaceutical, food and other industries, as well as media, creative, research and .
with the team accepting the rule of ...

Seeking a professional position in the Business Development Manager.

Key Responsibilities.

Search Disabilities (leads) to potential customers, mostly businesses, government and community organizations.
Doing CRM (Customer Relationship Management), YouScan uses SugarCRM.
Conversion of potential customers in paying customers, and control of payments.
Getting feedback from customers to continuously improve the service and interface.
Contacts with existing customers to determine their satisfaction with the service and the expansion of the front organization of Service.

Experience, Education and Qualifications.

Positive and constructive attitude, customer and product binding.
The desire to please the customer is not necessary ( not a typo).
Successful experience in sales is required.
Experience of selling high-tech solutions, B2B sales, and sales of professional services is a significant advantage.
Excellent ( not a typo ), communication skills, a well- posed question.
Deep knowledge of the social media.
By sex, age, nationality and language preferences no knowledge of English gives a strategic advantage.

Conditions of Work and Compensation.

Direct submission to the Director of Business Development.
Full-time, Mon-Fri, 10:00-19:00, often need to call up customer at irregular hours (adjustable end result, not the norm ).
Modern office in Kiev in Lukyanovka (Business Center Forum, Pimonenko 13), where there is even a shower.
Wages depending on qualifications and experience substantial fees, depending on the performance of operational and financial plans.
Payment of travel expenses and conversations related to work.
Ability to i) lead the department in 6-12 months with a demonstration of skills, not only sales but also the successful management of people, processes and non-standard situations.

Dmitri Popov (biography available on LinkedIn).
YouScan | VP Business Development.
dimitri. a. popov @ youscan. biz.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The new line of headphones KOSS in Russia

71761In mid-January to the Russian market came just five new models of headphones from the American company KOSS. In particular, appeared in stores KEB79, KPH15, KSC7 DVD 2PK, KSC22 DVD and KHP21V.

For fans of ... KOSS KEB79 suitable for outdoor use and transport. These little headphone is designed in the style of Hi-Tech, with a good ear pads are fitted with sound insulation. In this unit you will cover.

Headphones KOSS KSC22 DVD does not yield a model of comfort KEB79 provide clear sound, sold together with cover for storage and transportation.

Model KPH15 - arc closed headphones with comfortable ear pads mini -monitor. The model has a folding design, the cord is a volume control.

Connoisseurs of innovation KOSS offers to pay attention to KSC7 DVD 2PK. These portable headphones do not have a headband. Instead, it uses the so-called clip -design. The product is comparatively light, resilient mounts. In addition to the cover, you will find a complete replacement ear cushions.

Model KHP21V - update UR21. There is a plastic, adjustable headband, soft ear cushions large leatherette, the volume control on the cord. Headphones are suitable for use both at home and while traveling.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Philips Xenium X800 - a new competitor iPhone

15053Philips has officially unveiled its version of the phone with a touchscreen Xenium X800, which is characterized by a long operating time without recharging. In appearance it is a device much like Apple iPhone. The phone can work in networks GSM / GPRS, a 2- megpikselnaya camera, Bluetooth and a slot for microSD memory cards. The handset has a 2.9- inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 240 × 400 pixels, 256,000 colors, and a lithium- ion battery provides continuous operation for 8 hours of talk time or 850 hours standby time.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Comparison with HTC One X Huawei Ascend D Quad XL

Everyone is talking about the HTC One X (XL), and that is the best smartphone announced at Mobile World Congress. Let's see how HTC One X (XL) looks at the background of another Superfon, Huawei Ascend D Quad XL.
Both smartphones running Android 4. 0 from Google called Ice Cream Sandwich. Both cameras are equipped with 8 megapixel and 1.3 megapixel, 1 GB of RAM and Bluetooth, so there is no specific differences.

However, at other points they are. Let's start with memory. HTC One X (XL) comes with 32 GB of internal memory, microSD slot without, but HTC also provides 25 GB of free storage to virtual DropBox for 2 years. Huawei Ascend D Quad XL is equipped with only 8 GB of memory, but it can be integrated microSD card capacity of 32 GB. Select your phone for this criterion will depend on user: someone easier to keep everything in the cloud, because it is simple, and someone will pull back and forth microSD.
Now the processor. HTC One X equipped with a 4-core processor, NVIDA Tegra 3 1.5 GHz and supports LTE, but in any case will sell well. HTC One XL is aimed at the market LTE-networks in the U.S. and equipped with a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1,5 GHz. As for Huawei Ascend D Quad XL, it is equipped with four -core processor Huawei K3V2. It goes a lot of talk about what is better - two cores or four. Frankly, the test shows that the Snapdragon running as fast or even faster in some tests.
The displays of these two slightly different smartphones. HTC One X (XL) comes with a 4.7- dyuymoym Capacitive HD touch screen (1280 by 720 resolution), and Huawei Ascend D Quad Xl comes with a 4.5- inch Capacitive HD. Yes, 0.2 inches may play a role, but it's a little. Serves as the design of devices. Huawei is almost as big as the HTC One X, with its huge screen. Plus HTC One X (XL) is thinner, but because of the subtleties of the sacrifice was brought to the battery. Smartphone HTC is equipped with battery 1800 mAh, 2500 mAh and Huawei.
The sound works well on HTC One X (XL). With all the advantages of Beats Audio Dolby 5. 1 to Huawei can not compete with Dr. Dre.
Functions HTC One X (XL) and HTC ImageSense allow you to use your smartphone as a quick- chamber, which makes 20 shots in two minutes. It's unbelievable for a smartphone. And that 's not all. You can take pictures even during video shooting.
The look and experience of both smartphones also varies. The Huawei Ascend D Quad XL looks like a Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, and HTC One X is complete with new design and sits perfectly in your hand. Of course, I do not hide the fact that HTC One X I like more, but not everyone likes the style of HTC, Huawei, moreover, too, is beautiful in its essence.


Apple iPad will present tomorrow to support LTE

Tablet is the next generation of Apple iPad, which will be presented tomorrow, will work over wireless networks, LTE. This was reported by news agency Reuters, citing a source close to Apple. Speed ​​in 4G networks is 10 times faster than 3G.

According to sources, Apple hopes that users will be able to pay for the support of LTE. The presence of the module LTE in the next generation iPad tablet is also the resource iMore. Analysts from the Wall Street Journal in one voice said, Verizon and AT.