Often there are references to Soviet children's books as textbooks, Economics and Business. For example at Machneva in ' Razvlekupkah ' mentions ' Crocodile Gena ':.
turn to a remarkable textbook on market economics, written in the recent past. Eduard Uspensky. It is called ... Surprised? . And besides - with an entire chapter devoted to the creation of artificial shortages and restrictions on retail. As you may recall, one of the main characters of the story Cheburashka has worked in the toy store window of the commission. And yet this store and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Then the ... [They]. stamped at the door, peering into the window and shouted impatiently: - When it will open? . They also began to look into the window of his shop and exclaim: - When will it open? . I thought, thought, and stood in a queue. A little old man walked up a big bag and asked her what will sell. Shapoklyak did not say anything and just shrugged her shoulders significantly. ... In short, the opening of the store queue has reached catastrophic proportions. At eleven o'clock the doors opened and people rushed to the store. They bought everything that came to hand. It's a shame it was to defend the two hours in the queue and nothing to buy. Only kerosene lamps were not wanted - all had electricity. Then the store manager got ink and wrote: ... HOLIDAY FOR TWO PIECES IN HANDS ... Immediately, all buyers rushed into the yard and began to buy up the lamp. Those who bought them were very happy with themselves, and those who did not have lights, very upset and cursed shop bosses. As Shapoklyak old, she bought two pairs of integers - for themselves and their Lariska. So are these lights, and kept it until now. As they say, a rainy day ...
Around the same vein, seen a review for ' Dunno on the Moon ' Nosov.
And you know what children's books can be called textbook market economy?.
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