Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Moscow on fire?

Hey, Muscovites? . We have a 18-22, rain. We welcome you.

They say that money on watering peat sawed and did not really have. A summer in the heart of Russia again was hot, though not the same as last year.

Although forced to disappoint all the cheap seats are sold out, leaving only small tails. We'll have to go to expensive places in hotels barbarous prices for Transport ( Railways, Aeroflot and they rule ). And why not? . The road did just normal from the airport to the district of Kaliningrad, and the sea, all we go to dvupoloske in four rows. And to get the land under the hotel all the more difficult because the land is best known for a long time sold to anyone - this is business and not seek to build anything new. For several years, and sold the hotel on the coast for 20 million, which is equal to its return for 15 years without repair. Who in their right mind would buy such a business.

All, of course, is not it sad as it sounds, but sometimes really hate it that we have to rely on fire in the peat in place at least on TV advertising by the regional government, as in the Krasnodar region. But it could not be worse than in Jurmala, or Sopot.

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