wget. But because they thirst for the absorption of files does not satisfy. The main drawback - the lack of multi-threading downloads ( I mean 'pure ' wget, no scripts and shamanism ). D4X. (Downloader for X), in principle, can boast of something like this, but, alas, does not develop the program in 2005. With multi-threading work and console downloader. Axel. It seems like the competition, but failed to choose a suitable. And just the other day fate brought me to. WxDownload Fast. This cross-platform open source download manager, written using the wxWidgets library. Do not compare with the multi-functional analogs such as FlashGet, but this is something.
- Multi-threaded download;.
- Schedule downloads;.
- Connection to HTTP / FTP server using the authorization;.
- Counting MD5/SHA1 amounts of downloaded files;.
- Support. Metalink. ;.
- Integration with. Firefox. through FlashGot.
available. bags. Ubuntu / Debian. And the repository:.
deb-src http://mentors. debian. net / debian unstable main.
Fed a link iFolder, took up. Checking md5 came in handy, convenient check. In general until all the joy:).
Maybe someone knows a more attractive option? .
UPD:. Some problem with running the program. Try to remove ~ /. wxDownloadFast and restart the downloader.
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